Start welcoming your brighter side already!
Aloha! I’m Nati! Thank you for being here!! This space is where I share my favorite vegan recipes, my journey on this path of vegan nutrition, and also a vegan food guide, which is about my favorite vegan food spots around the world, starting on the beautiful island of O’ahu, Hawai’i !
I want this food blog to become your reference in terms of vegan healthy recipes and guide to find the perfect vegan meals when you are on the go and want to go out! I strongly believe in the fact that what you put in you put out! You are what you eat. When you nourish yourself with plant based whole foods from the Earth, participate in reducing cruelty in the world, become more conscious about how you feed your body, your life can only improve. And it’s not about perfection because progress and transitions are not linear. But it’s about having fun discovering how to nourish our bodies and how we can make them thrive through our diet. I have been on this health journey since 2018 now, and I’m so eager to share the rip of the benefits of my lifestyle changes with you guys!
My whole life, I’ve loved sweets and good meals, probably due to my French and Persian roots. Good food was always around, both my grandmas used to cook amazing dishes and treats..! but I had this love hate relationship with food. Because I was “nourishing” my body with empty calories, hidden oils and sugars, no real freshness or at least not enough of fresh ingredients, overly processed foods and so on. I was not giving my body foods filled with “Prana”, this life force energy present in every conscious living thing. You get this prana through food by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, by eating fresh from the ground.
My goal is to show you that eating vegan and delicious is possible and not boring. To show that we can create wonders without cruelty involved and without spending too much money neither. I want to bring you back to source and tell you what my body asked me to do, after I mistreated it for too long. Little consistent habits have truly changed my life, my relationship to food. I am happily healthy now. It doesn’t feel like a burden to do these things for myself, because I understand that I treat the root problem of many symptoms I used to have in my life. I have no crazy physical goal truly, but just to feel amazing in my skin. Which involves being committed each day to do my best.
*Please keep on mind that everything I share is based on my experience and what works for me. I have educated myself on the topic but we can always know more, and we never stop learning each and every day. So feel free to share with me also your experiences and improvement suggestions in the comments. I am not a specialist but simply a health nut!
“if i know anything it’s that i know that i know nothing “
– socrate
Please reach out to me for questions/collaborations.